With funds raised by members of the home inspection industry, Cozy Coats for Kids® has coordinated with the Charlton Street School in Massachusetts for the past three years to provide brand-new free winter coats for its students and their siblings.

Today Cozy Coats for Kids® received an uplifting email and video from the Charlton Street School about how its students are holding up during COVID-19. If you need of some good news, continue reading:


On behalf of the students and staff of Charlton St. School, we wanted to send out a huge hello and check on our extended family and friends.

Our students are doing well, the staff is checking in with them frequently and we are using many online learning sites as a way to keep studying and learning new things.

We asked students what the first thing they would love to do when we get back is and here are a few of their answers:

  • have gym
  • play outside
  • eat lunch together
  • hug our teachers
  • check on our school pets
  • go on a field trip
  • get a break from my brother!

We hope that you, your family, friends, and co-workers are doing well, staying safe, happy and entertained.

Charlton St is keeping every one of you in our thoughts, and look forward to the time when we can all work together again…

We hope you enjoy this link with a little something we put together…


Wishing You All Peace and Health,

Esther Vargas
Charlton St. School
Parent Liaison