BOULDER, Colo. (July 20, 2022) — As the official charity of the International Association of Certified Home Inspectors – InterNACHI® – Cozy Coats for Kids® will have a booth at their Professional Inspectors Convention in Southern California over October 20-22, 2022. The booth will feature a donation-based raffle and a contest for the highest donor during the event to win the Top Donor Award and trophy. The raffle prizes will be big-ticket items for home inspectors, including inspection tools, custom marketing materials, and free admission for in-person training classes held by InterNACHI® and the Certified Commercial Property Inspectors Association (CCPIA). Plus, every donor during the event will also have an opportunity to take their picture with a giant check featuring their company’s information and donation amount.
Cozy Coats for Kids® looks forward to meeting many of the home inspectors at the Convention who support the organization year-round, and building its team of volunteers for its Annual Coat Delivery Program. The charity organization also looks forward to fundraising during the event to further its mission of giving free brand-new winter coats to kids throughout the United States.