BOULDER, Colo. (Oct. 19, 2021) – Cozy Coats for Kids® is continuing its partnership with the Kids’ Kloset for its Annual Coat Delivery Program. This year, Cozy Coats for Kids® was able to provide 50 brand-new children’s winter coats, which is more than double last year’s number.

The Kids’ Kloset is one of several programs run by the 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization (914) Cares, which aids under-served children in Westchester County, N.Y. The coats will be distributed through the organization’s “Bags of Love,” which include essential items for children, such as clothing, toiletries, toys, books, school supplies, and a handmade quilt or fleece blanket. The coats have already begun to be distributed to children in the area.

Bags of Love

Bags of Love

With its Annual Coat Delivery Program, Cozy Coats for Kids® partners with other organizations that share a similar mission of improving the well-being of children in need. The charity organization also partners with members of the inspection industry who identify a need in their local communities. Many inspectors work with a local school to help children who need a brand-new winter coat. Organizations and inspectors interested in partnering can contact Cozy Coats for Kids® to get on next year’s list. The partner organization is selected by the end of August each year.
